The University Church is open 365 days a year. It costs £5.00 per minute to keep the University Church open so that visitors and pilgrims can enjoy this beautiful space and explore its history.

To sustain our ministry of worship, learning and hospitality, we depend entirely on your generosity and support. Without your amazing generosity, our work would not be possible. If you are interested in finding out more about ways in which you can support the University Church, please contact the Vicar at

You may also like to make a donation online or, if you have recently joined the congregation, you may wish to contribute to the Parish Giving Scheme. For other forms of giving, including one-off donations, regular giving and legacies, please look at the tabs below. 

For details about our Patrons Scheme, click the button below. 


Regular giving is a great way to support the University Church. It means the church has an assured income and can plan for the future much more effectively. It means we know we can support our ministry in the years ahead. The Parish Giving Scheme is easy to join and enables members and supporters to give direct to the church by Direct Debit. The church will receive the donations every month without any deduction whatsoever. The church will also receive the applicable Gift Aid, if you are a taxpayer. 

You can vary or cancel your direct debit at any time simply by contacting the Parish Giving Scheme. The normal banking direct debit guarantees apply. If you would like to find out more, please follow the link below. Thank you!

Join the Scheme

Each year we welcome many people from the United States and Canada. Gifts from our U.S. donors are received by Americans for Oxford. Americans for Oxford, Inc. (AFO) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization (recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service) which seeks gifts to benefit the University and its colleges. In compliance with IRS regulations, the Board of Directors of AFO maintains complete discretion over allocation of the gifts it receives. Gifts to AFO qualify for an income tax deduction to the full extent allowed by law. Gifts from Canadian donors can be received through the University's Development Office. For more information, please follow this link:

Americans for Oxford

You could help to ensure the future of this significant institution in Oxford’s life by leaving the church a legacy in your will. You would be ensuring that this vibrant and inclusive Christian community can continue its mission for years to come. You would also be helping to conserve a much-loved building of international importance. If you think you could leave us a legacy, please get in touch with the Vicar:

Find out more
