Students and Young Adults
The University Church offers an inclusive, friendly and intelligent community, where together we seek to learn more about the Christian faith. Whether you are a new student at one of the universities or colleges, or living and working here in Oxford, we hope you can find here a place of support, learning and friendship.
We are always delighted to welcome students and young people at the University Church. Our Second Coffee group offers a chance to catch up and compare notes weekly with an outing for coffee or drinks after the congregational gathering that follows the 10.30 service on Sundays. We also offer a range of activities, including organised dinners, with or without a discussion, movie evenings, walks and picnics, Saturday breakfasts, a book club and visits to museums or galleries. We are always open to suggestions for discussion, study or fun. To join us, meet in the De Brome Chapel after the 10:30 service.
If you are new and want to chat, or you are thinking about getting involved, let one of our clergy know after a service, or email the Vicar, the Revd Dr William Lamb at We would love to meet you.