Faith on the Move

the Revd James Crockford

Some of the happiest days of my life have been spent walking the long and now very popular pilgrimage, the Camino de Santiago de Compostela. Though originally an act of medieval Christian piety, I found myself in step with people of all sorts of religious and non-religious outlooks. One of the most profound aspects of the journey was having the time and space to hear people’s stories – one was wanting clarity about what to do next in life, one was trying to find a way forward after a sudden divorce, some felt it a rite of passage as a Roman Catholic. (I just happen to quite like walking, sunshine and Rioja.) It is often the case that when we foster an availability and patience simply to be beside people, to walk their journey with them and unfold our own stories, that we encounter our shared humanity, a depth of generosity that transcends difference.
Tomorrow evening (Thursday), we gather together with people of many other faith groups across our city for the annual Interfaith Friendship Walk. At the heart of this endeavour is the understanding that our humanity and our faith are stronger and richer when we take the chance to walk alongside others without barrier or prejudice, and to foster open and respectful friendships that together we may discover what it is to live in the light of a greater reality. This may sound simple, but it speaks volumes, and is a vital witness against the ever-present risks of suspicion and segregation.

Join us at the Synagogue on Richmond Road for 18.15 to walk together in a spirit of friendship and support: through town, via St Mary’s, finishing at the Mosque off Cowley Road.