New Dean of Chapel

The Revd Dr William Lamb

It is with a mixture of joy, pride and sadness that I have to announce this morning that the Revd James Crockford has been appointed Dean of Chapel at Jesus College, Cambridge. He will join the College in September. James has made a significant contribution to the life of the University Church in the course of the last two years. He has taken a leading role in coordinating our worship and developing a new music strategy. He has worked with others to develop a vibrant ministry among students at St Mary’s. He has been an excellent colleague and we will miss him very much. It should come as no surprise that colleagues at Jesus College have been able to see James’ gifts and potential. He goes to Cambridge with our gratitude for everything he has achieved here - and with our prayers as he begins a new ministry there.

James’ last Sunday with us will be Sunday 8 September when he will preach at the 10.30am Sung Eucharist. There will be an opportunity to congratulate James on his new appointment and to say ‘Thank you' to him for everything he has given us. 

We have moved quickly to ensure that the vacancy is covered, and from 1st September, the Revd Charlotte Bannister-Parker, the Revd Alan Ramsey and the Revd Laurence Price (currently Acting Chaplain of the Queen’s College) will be covering different aspects of James’ role. We will be advertising for a new Associate Vicar from next week and we will be interviewing candidates at the beginning of September with a view to the new priest starting early in the new year. Please keep the churchwardens and clergy in your prayers as we begin this discernment process and the search for a new Associate Vicar.

The link to the press release at Jesus College announcing James’ new appointment can be found here

See the entire E-pistle here