Oxford Winter Night Shelter

Paul Thompson

OWNS operated from January to March providing shelter for 34 people whose stay varied from one night to 88 nights. It kept them safe through a very cold winter and it kept them in touch with support workers. Many have now been housed. One guest said that without it he wouldn’t have survived. Seven churches each provided ten beds one night per week with guests referred by the Oxford Homeless Outreach Team. Some guests were working in low-paid jobs but couldn’t afford Oxford’s high rents. Some came from Eastern Europe to make better lives but, with no recourse to public funds, ended up sleeping rough.

Guests arrive at 21.30, are welcomed, offered drinks and snacks and are in bed by midnight. They are woken at 07.00 and, after some breakfast, leave at 07.30. They can book a bed for the next night unless they caused problems. There were no problems; our guests were cold and tired and wanted to sleep.

Each venue is staffed overnight by a shift leader and three volunteers who each get four hours rostered  sleep. Additional volunteers come for a couple of hours to help set up and clear away. 

In 2019 we will be doubling our capacity with twelve venues and two open each night.

Each venue has a twinned church to support it. SMV is twinned with Wesley Memorial Methodist Church. We shall be seeking your support in January. In the meantime, the collection from our Christmas Carol Service will be given to OWNS.

OWNS has already trained 250 volunteers but needs more. If you can help go to www.ownsoxford.org.uk.


Paul Thompson


Paul is the University Church representative in the OWNS initiative.