A Visitation

Janet Greenland

Not having been brought up in the Church of England my only ecclesiastical point of reference for a Visitation was the Angel Gabriel coming to Mary, so some years ago was mildly disappointed to learn from Brian Mountford that we were not expecting the Archangel, but the Archdeacon of Oxford.

Visitations are conducted by the Archdeacon, and were originally occasions at which churchwardens were sworn in, and asked to report on the morality of the clergy and their parishioners. Now churchwardens are sworn in at a different ceremony, but a parish can expect a Visitation every three years, when the administration is examined, as well as the health of the congregation, and future plans.

St Mary’s had a successful Visitation in December, with only a few minor glitches in administration, easily remedied.

A Visitation gives us a chance for self-examination. After the last two extraordinary years, which included the Church being closed for worship for the first time in its history, we are now in a period of reflection, and re-assessment of our role in the temporal and spiritual life of the city. We have a beautiful building, and with the recent refurbishment and the new roof, are ready for the next 100 years.

How will we rebuild and grow our congregation? How serve the needs of those who come into the High St every day? Above all, how reflect the Glory of God seen in this wonderful building, and witnessed to in generations of worship here?